I love this time of year with my kids. I love the smells, the trees, the baking, the lights. So many fun traditions. Yet it is so easy to get overwhelmed. Especially with our newest addition (and all of his cuteness) being only one month old. We have always tried to push back on the ever so easy urge to get caught up in it all. All too often I can find myself caught in the tangled web of shopping, crafts, baking, and events that celebrate this time of year and forget about what this season is really about. I have to reign myself in constantly. I can sometimes find myself more concerned about fitting in each of the "fun things" I want to do with the kids....that it ends up not so fun.
My girls still being young they ask constantly the inevitable question, "How many more days until...?" So we, (like probably everyone else who is reading this), have some way to count down to Christmas day. Last year the girls and I made the traditional paper chain. Oh, come on, you know the one. And you tear off a chain for each day. I even got so creative as to use red and green paper. (I can hear the collective "Ooooh, Ahhhhh!" now) Let's just say art is not my forte. And as a homeschooling mom...we kinda need art!
My mom got a little more creative. When I was a kid she would take pieces of candy and stick them to a ribbon. So every day we would come home from school and take one piece off of our personal ribbon to count day the days to Christmas. That's a little more creative, but still not what I have been looking for.
Well, like I said, I am not the most creative mom out there. (Thank goodness for Pinterest). In terms of the days of Advent, I have been wanting something more. Something more meaningful. More tangible and substantial for our girls and for us as a family. I mean with a definition like : Advent : "the coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important; a coming into place, view, or being". (I like that last part. "A coming into view.") I felt like a paper chain to bring into view the birth of our Savior just would not suffice. Last year I found this.
It's called the Cradle to Cross wreath. Each day of Advent we light a candle to progress through to Christs coming. It also has some other pieces to make it bigger to 40 days to celebrate Lent and the ascension. I love it. I love it more than the little windows you open to get a little piece of chocolate out. And do I even need to mention the paper chain? The best part? The best part is on day six we lit the candles and my four year old started singing Happy Birthday. So we all followed along and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. How's that for focusing our "view"?
With all of the seasons great activities of lights, cookies, gingerbread houses, homemade wrapping paper and get togethers; I can gather my children under my wing and bring them closer to our Father. Or, like on day six, my children in their innocence can bring me closer to Him. What do you do during this time of coming into view?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ever Feel Like Someone Is In Your Head?
As a new mom to now three, these past three weeks have been a tornado. Loving on our little blessing, not sleeping, trying to figure out his needs, while still meeting the girls needs and my husbands. No matter how tired I am, or how much I just want to find a quiet corner where no one says, "Momma look", and it is a clean well organized corner (I do believe those corners exist....somewhere); I can't help but feel so blessed. Even when my little boy is screaming, he is so precious. Even when I have said, "Please, let's not say my name for just a few seconds," I yearn for those two little girls to want my attention.
As I've said before, I am a confessed blog stalker. Chatting at the sky is a blogger that I've followed for awhile. She has recently wrote a book, Grace for the Good Girl that has made my Christmas wish list. As I have gone through these past three weeks I have found myself in the "figure it out" mode. Trying to figure out my newborns needs, trying to figure out how I am going to work in a run, trying to figure out how I am going to fulfill my girls needs for homeschooling. The list goes on. Do you do that? Are you a "figurer outer"? (Yes, that is a real term for some of us real people).
I sat down today and took a moment to read her post today and so should you. She seems to put my thoughts together better than I can. Quiet is what I need; silence in spirit. So I ask the same question she does, "...in the most honest place where you are today, what is it you truly seek?"
As I've said before, I am a confessed blog stalker. Chatting at the sky is a blogger that I've followed for awhile. She has recently wrote a book, Grace for the Good Girl that has made my Christmas wish list. As I have gone through these past three weeks I have found myself in the "figure it out" mode. Trying to figure out my newborns needs, trying to figure out how I am going to work in a run, trying to figure out how I am going to fulfill my girls needs for homeschooling. The list goes on. Do you do that? Are you a "figurer outer"? (Yes, that is a real term for some of us real people).
I sat down today and took a moment to read her post today and so should you. She seems to put my thoughts together better than I can. Quiet is what I need; silence in spirit. So I ask the same question she does, "...in the most honest place where you are today, what is it you truly seek?"
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My Husband The Cheerleader
"Hello, my name is Lacy and I have control issues."
I seem to have these unattainably high standards. Oh wait, don't run, they're not for you. Just me. I do not hold you to these expectations. Only myself. For some reason I tend to have unspoken expectations of my house, my fitness, my finances, my abilities...I could go on. These are not the goal setting kind. More of the kind that when all combined together are so ridiculous that Mary Poppins would struggle. I'm not sure why. It seems to always give me the excuse to bad talk myself. Not out loud necessarily, but those unspoken thoughts that sting more than any spoken word ever could. How I am such a failure, a fake, and how I am taking my family down with me. It definitely maintains my fear to truly try at something. If I only give half, and fail it's ok, because it wasn't my all....right?
What rationale! Yes, I know there is therapy for this. Thank you. I think I have gotten better with age. Others may think not so much.
Do you do this? Do you have those inner voices of self degradation for your own unmet expectations? My inner voice is my harshest. Do you have anyone telling you those voices are not who you are? Those words do not define you as a wife, mother, or person. Sometimes my own anxieties and fears are so loud, it is hard to hear the words of grace and love.
If you've read previous posts, you know our family likes music. Sometimes the words of a song are written just for you! I promise. God wants you to hear it.
Mercy Me has a song called "Beautiful". Not a new song (click on the link so you can hear it). I think it came out sometime in 2010?
When my husband first heard that song he said, "Lacy, that song reminds me of you. You need to listen to the words." And ever since then, every time (and I mean every time) it is played on the radio, no matter where he is or what he is doing, he stops and texts me. On a roof, in the truck driving, on the top of a ladder, rolling trusses, in the room next to me...he texts me. He texts, "You're Beautiful!" EVERY TIME. And every time, I need to hear it. And I'll be honest, I don't respond back (which probably drives him crazy). But I need to hear it; to see it. For some reason it is so easy for me to express those feelings to my kids, or to friends who need to hear it. But to have those thoughts or feelings for myself is so much harder. Me? Sacred?
And I thought surely I am not the only person who has a hard time believing that with all of my mistakes and faults, (and I mean big, ugly, nasty mistakes and faults) that I am the one He madly loves. So, for all of you out there who close off your ears and heart to hearing how much He truly loves you...I'm telling you, you're beautiful! Listen to me...YOU are the one HE madly loves. God has blessed me with a cheerleader even when I don't want to hear it. Sometimes I do close it off, but God knows. He knows I need to hear that cheerleader pushing me towards Him. So here I am, cheering for you. Pushing you closer. "You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His."
I seem to have these unattainably high standards. Oh wait, don't run, they're not for you. Just me. I do not hold you to these expectations. Only myself. For some reason I tend to have unspoken expectations of my house, my fitness, my finances, my abilities...I could go on. These are not the goal setting kind. More of the kind that when all combined together are so ridiculous that Mary Poppins would struggle. I'm not sure why. It seems to always give me the excuse to bad talk myself. Not out loud necessarily, but those unspoken thoughts that sting more than any spoken word ever could. How I am such a failure, a fake, and how I am taking my family down with me. It definitely maintains my fear to truly try at something. If I only give half, and fail it's ok, because it wasn't my all....right?
What rationale! Yes, I know there is therapy for this. Thank you. I think I have gotten better with age. Others may think not so much.
Do you do this? Do you have those inner voices of self degradation for your own unmet expectations? My inner voice is my harshest. Do you have anyone telling you those voices are not who you are? Those words do not define you as a wife, mother, or person. Sometimes my own anxieties and fears are so loud, it is hard to hear the words of grace and love.
If you've read previous posts, you know our family likes music. Sometimes the words of a song are written just for you! I promise. God wants you to hear it.
Mercy Me has a song called "Beautiful". Not a new song (click on the link so you can hear it). I think it came out sometime in 2010?
When my husband first heard that song he said, "Lacy, that song reminds me of you. You need to listen to the words." And ever since then, every time (and I mean every time) it is played on the radio, no matter where he is or what he is doing, he stops and texts me. On a roof, in the truck driving, on the top of a ladder, rolling trusses, in the room next to me...he texts me. He texts, "You're Beautiful!" EVERY TIME. And every time, I need to hear it. And I'll be honest, I don't respond back (which probably drives him crazy). But I need to hear it; to see it. For some reason it is so easy for me to express those feelings to my kids, or to friends who need to hear it. But to have those thoughts or feelings for myself is so much harder. Me? Sacred?
And I thought surely I am not the only person who has a hard time believing that with all of my mistakes and faults, (and I mean big, ugly, nasty mistakes and faults) that I am the one He madly loves. So, for all of you out there who close off your ears and heart to hearing how much He truly loves you...I'm telling you, you're beautiful! Listen to me...YOU are the one HE madly loves. God has blessed me with a cheerleader even when I don't want to hear it. Sometimes I do close it off, but God knows. He knows I need to hear that cheerleader pushing me towards Him. So here I am, cheering for you. Pushing you closer. "You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His."
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Where's Your Joy?
Oh my, has too much time gone by! I am now at the end of my pregnancy, (so much for having all that time to blog...), and boy am I ready to be. There have been many times that thoughts have crossed my mind like, "I need to blog about that." Something about being able to just get it out that makes me feel at peace. A lot has happened in such a short amount of time. We have started our new year of home schooling, my sister has moved out (the one who had a ruptured brain aneurysm almost a year ago), and we are having a baby...a boy!
And in all of this I have struggled. Lost my site of "the joy preceding the miracle". Got trapped in a hole of darkness, bitterness, and resentment. Tired. Just tired. I seem to have lost that joy centered attitude. It seems joy is second nature for some. For me it is definitely something I have to conscientiously focus on. It is so much easier for me to get swept up in the chaos and stress of everyday life. The girls schooling, the bills, the mundaness of laundry and dinner (Is that even a word? Well, when it comes to laundry it is!)
It just seems to be easier for me to fall back into that monotonous cycle and forget to "be joyful in all things." Really God? Joyfully searching for that missing sock that the dryer monster must have ate? You mean be joyful that I vacuumed this morning and between the crackers and the chips I need to vacuum again by the afternoon? Be joyful that we are already THREE weeks behind our home school schedule? Yes, yes and YES! The joy I find when staring at a sink full of dishes sure is hard for me to find.
But I'll tell you what. My little six year old brings me back on a daily basis. I often say she is Jesus on earth. She has a true servant heart and thinks about others always. There have been many days that she is up to the sink washing dishes because "I just know it is hard for you with your big belly Mom." Many times she comes to me out of the blue and says, "Is there anything I can do for you Mom?" She's vacuumed, rotated laundry, folded and put away clothes. She's even tied my shoes for me.
Never once complaining that she wasn't the one who made the mess. Never once huffing and puffing. But with an eager heart to serve and being so joyful about it!
"Lord, give me the heart of my six year old. That I can be joyful and eager in all that I do, giving You the the glory, being the example to my girls and a better wife for my husband."
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Are You REALLY Listening?
Since I am pregnant now and due to some health issues due to my pregnancy, I get a little more time with my feet up. So hopefully I'll get back to my blog more! I have been blog stalking a lot and spending plenty of time on Pinterest...LOVE. So for today I thought I would share a post from another blog...I know, but it really touched me.
Simple Mom is a blog I frequent. She covers everything from homeschool to crafts to being a mom. But this particular post is actually from a dad. So just click the link, read, and think are you really hearing?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Just Follow The Link, You'll Be Glad You Did
Before you go about today and you step over your piles of laundry, while looking out your window sighing at the over grown grass and the jungle of weeds; As you complain about the rain, the sun, the cold, the heat....read this.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
We did it!
I have been away for a bit. Well, not away, away. But some how this past week or so have seemed to be extra overly filled, as opposed to my usual just overly filled. But we did manage to do it.
After reading others responses about their dating their spouses, and of course God perfectly placing radio programs about that specific topic (I love it when He does that), how could I not?
We didn't go do your typical date type things. Originally my husband had wanted to take to me to go look at one of his job sites....uuuhhhmm. Instead we got a smidge bit more adventurous and went looking at furniture! I know right!
Don't get excited, we didn't buy anything. We did find a bedroom set that we liked and one for the girls. It wasn't hard for us to agree on something. It seemed to be more difficult to actually find what we liked.
As my husband says, I am a legs gal. Give me a nice set of legs on that table and I can make it into anything I want, but it's gotta have a good set of legs.
I'm liking the Paula Deen furniture. Yes, she has furniture too. It's Paula Deen yall! (I couldn't resist). Don't love the chairs, but just look at the legs on that table. LOVE.
Love the leg detail (can't help it, I'm leg obsessed) and the top one looks more brown, but in person it looks more black.
Yes, this is what we did on our date. We hopped from shop to shop laughing at some, using the bathroom at most. We had fun. We didn't buy a thing, well, lunch. But so glad we made the time to spend together. We didn't sit gazing into each others eyes, baring our souls. But we got to laugh and just hang out together.
Have you made time for your spouse lately? Who knows, maybe between all of us, someone will get some new furniture! (Just send me a picture of those legs).
After reading others responses about their dating their spouses, and of course God perfectly placing radio programs about that specific topic (I love it when He does that), how could I not?
We didn't go do your typical date type things. Originally my husband had wanted to take to me to go look at one of his job sites....uuuhhhmm. Instead we got a smidge bit more adventurous and went looking at furniture! I know right!
Don't get excited, we didn't buy anything. We did find a bedroom set that we liked and one for the girls. It wasn't hard for us to agree on something. It seemed to be more difficult to actually find what we liked.
As my husband says, I am a legs gal. Give me a nice set of legs on that table and I can make it into anything I want, but it's gotta have a good set of legs.
I'm liking the Paula Deen furniture. Yes, she has furniture too. It's Paula Deen yall! (I couldn't resist). Don't love the chairs, but just look at the legs on that table. LOVE.
Love the leg detail (can't help it, I'm leg obsessed) and the top one looks more brown, but in person it looks more black.
Yes, this is what we did on our date. We hopped from shop to shop laughing at some, using the bathroom at most. We had fun. We didn't buy a thing, well, lunch. But so glad we made the time to spend together. We didn't sit gazing into each others eyes, baring our souls. But we got to laugh and just hang out together.
Have you made time for your spouse lately? Who knows, maybe between all of us, someone will get some new furniture! (Just send me a picture of those legs).
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Do you?
Just never mind, it's too hard.
Not the actual being together (although let's face it...there are days that maybe a struggle too!) We have never made it a priority or had a routine or ritual. Life just happens. He has his own business, which means many a times are we together as a "family" while he is on the phone with clients, other businesses, etc. It's just how it is. Since we live in the beautiful north west, weather can also dictate a work schedule. Not that he stops in the rain, snow, or ice, but if it is a nice Saturday or Sunday; he can be found pouring concrete or rolling trusses.
Many a days does he come home exhausted, worn out. Only to sit up at night working on bids for future jobs, sending emails, getting price quotes. Then to get up before the sun to head off to put it all together.
He works extremely hard and has sacrificed so much.
Now a days with my sister and her therapy schedule thrown into the mix, it just makes things that much more crazy with the family. And getting someone to be with all of them is a little tricky. There are a limited number of resources available to us while she is in her recovery.
The other day my dad offered to take all three so Ben and I could be a lone for a bit. He said, "You choose either Friday or Saturday just let me know what day and what time." Uh....I don't really know what to do with that.
So when I talk to my husband, "Not Saturday, it's poker night." My husbands once a month testosterone gathering. Which really is fine by me. I am not one for wanting to be out late, and by late I mean past 7 pm. By that time I would much rather be on my couch in my sweats cuddling with my girls. And I would rather do something during the day anyway. (Hence us never doing anything!)
It was just too hard to try to coordinate. So just never mind forget it.
As I am sitting in the car prepping myself for another doctors appointment....I hear it. A woman, like me. A wife, like me. A mother, like me.
Talking about how she has had to fight for that time with her husband. Not that she was fighting with him. She says no to others and their things so she can say yes to her husband.
Yet even when offered time away for a moment, it still seems hard...why is that? Why can I easily fill in my hours of piano lessons, swimming lessons, physical therapy, speech therapy, make dinner, clean up dinner....yet one on one time with the person I have a made a covenant with God to be with forever...eh?
What do you do to make sure you have that time alone with your spouse?
Not the actual being together (although let's face it...there are days that maybe a struggle too!) We have never made it a priority or had a routine or ritual. Life just happens. He has his own business, which means many a times are we together as a "family" while he is on the phone with clients, other businesses, etc. It's just how it is. Since we live in the beautiful north west, weather can also dictate a work schedule. Not that he stops in the rain, snow, or ice, but if it is a nice Saturday or Sunday; he can be found pouring concrete or rolling trusses.
Many a days does he come home exhausted, worn out. Only to sit up at night working on bids for future jobs, sending emails, getting price quotes. Then to get up before the sun to head off to put it all together.
He works extremely hard and has sacrificed so much.
Now a days with my sister and her therapy schedule thrown into the mix, it just makes things that much more crazy with the family. And getting someone to be with all of them is a little tricky. There are a limited number of resources available to us while she is in her recovery.
The other day my dad offered to take all three so Ben and I could be a lone for a bit. He said, "You choose either Friday or Saturday just let me know what day and what time." Uh....I don't really know what to do with that.
So when I talk to my husband, "Not Saturday, it's poker night." My husbands once a month testosterone gathering. Which really is fine by me. I am not one for wanting to be out late, and by late I mean past 7 pm. By that time I would much rather be on my couch in my sweats cuddling with my girls. And I would rather do something during the day anyway. (Hence us never doing anything!)
It was just too hard to try to coordinate. So just never mind forget it.
As I am sitting in the car prepping myself for another doctors appointment....I hear it. A woman, like me. A wife, like me. A mother, like me.
Talking about how she has had to fight for that time with her husband. Not that she was fighting with him. She says no to others and their things so she can say yes to her husband.
Yet even when offered time away for a moment, it still seems hard...why is that? Why can I easily fill in my hours of piano lessons, swimming lessons, physical therapy, speech therapy, make dinner, clean up dinner....yet one on one time with the person I have a made a covenant with God to be with forever...eh?
What do you do to make sure you have that time alone with your spouse?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Number 4
On our way home my six year old wants to put in Sanctus Real and listen to "number 4". (Which is "Lead Me") We are riding and singing. There is special meaning with this song for our family. My mother-in-law had heard this song and thought of her son. She gave it to him at a season in our marriage that was extremely stormy. I'm not sure if she knew, or how much she knew. Doesn't really matter. The song is written from the heart of a husband and father to God to lead his wife, his kids, and himself. Great song if you haven't heard it. But we can all place ourselves in that role somehow leading someone else and the reponsibility that it bears. My kids saw it touch their mom and their dad. So they call it "number 4...you know the one you and daddy cry to."
So it is a family fav.
We are singing and driving. We are at the end of the road and as I turn, I look left. Wow, bright light. (We live in Washington so we don't really see the sun for a few more months.) I turn right and as I look back, I see a beautiful light filled sky shimmering through the back window. My six year old singing, "Lead me with strong hands, stand up when I can't, don't leave me hungry for more..." I look again through my mirror to the back. A window full of little fingerprints and smudges. The sky glowing a yellow-orange framed by great evergreens. Why am I so cranky again? What was that previous post about?
I turn again onto our road. My daughter still singing onto the last verse, "...To stand up when they can't don't want to leave them hungry for love, chasing things that I couldn't give up."
I look to the left over the little lake that we drive by. God's painting in the sky soft blue to a glowing amber to burning pink. Wow. Thank you God. In a day that I thought would end on a sour note just because I was in that kind of a mood. He even takes that and places my little daughters voice to be singing just the words I need to here, in just that moment He designs for me a once in a lifetime sky. So glad that He is a loving and patient Father. And instead of getting irritated with me for spilling my own pineapple on the floor, or getting distracted from cleaning my room and playing with the jewelery, He draws me close. He tells me of a story of two little girls who need a mom who can show them through her own actions and attitude of what a Godly woman is. To speak His love with her lips. He tells me of a story of a sister, who needs her sister to put her arm around her and comfort her and guide her and have faith in her.
Shhh. If you listen and get still, God is whispering a story to you. What is it?
So it is a family fav.
We are singing and driving. We are at the end of the road and as I turn, I look left. Wow, bright light. (We live in Washington so we don't really see the sun for a few more months.) I turn right and as I look back, I see a beautiful light filled sky shimmering through the back window. My six year old singing, "Lead me with strong hands, stand up when I can't, don't leave me hungry for more..." I look again through my mirror to the back. A window full of little fingerprints and smudges. The sky glowing a yellow-orange framed by great evergreens. Why am I so cranky again? What was that previous post about?
I turn again onto our road. My daughter still singing onto the last verse, "...To stand up when they can't don't want to leave them hungry for love, chasing things that I couldn't give up."
I look to the left over the little lake that we drive by. God's painting in the sky soft blue to a glowing amber to burning pink. Wow. Thank you God. In a day that I thought would end on a sour note just because I was in that kind of a mood. He even takes that and places my little daughters voice to be singing just the words I need to here, in just that moment He designs for me a once in a lifetime sky. So glad that He is a loving and patient Father. And instead of getting irritated with me for spilling my own pineapple on the floor, or getting distracted from cleaning my room and playing with the jewelery, He draws me close. He tells me of a story of two little girls who need a mom who can show them through her own actions and attitude of what a Godly woman is. To speak His love with her lips. He tells me of a story of a sister, who needs her sister to put her arm around her and comfort her and guide her and have faith in her.
Shhh. If you listen and get still, God is whispering a story to you. What is it?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Little Irritated?
Do you ever find yourself cranky and not really know why? Ok, maybe I'm not just cranky. I am extra, extra irritable today. Not sure why. I got the normal amount of sleep...very little. My kids are normal...well, I am having to repeat a few extra times, not sure if I am just more aware of it today than other days, or that I REALLY am repeating extra. Things that haven't been bugging me are causing those little ants that crawl on my insides (yes I know that is not normal and there is medication for that...thank you).
My poor sister I think is hiding in her room. She came to live with us in December after surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm. She is on her road to recovery and in the grand scheme of things doing amazingly (truly by the grace of God). Usually her spilling is just apart of it all and I would rather her be trying and spilling than accepting her current abilities and not trying at all. But today, a bowl of pineapple (juices and all) are enough to send me over the hill. As I come walking into the sticky mess, I can't seem to hide my irritation. Really Lacy? It's just a sticky floor. Well, two sticky floors because it was the dinning room and some how a big wide river to the kitchen floor...that was then walked through. :) And for some reason it seems to be sticking to me!
My sweet precious angels. Oh how I love them. Why when the directions were stated, "Go up and get dressed and start straightening up your room."; did they hear, "Go upstairs and get all of mom's jewelery out and string it in different places in mom's room."?
For some reason today this small little instances (because let's face it, they really are small), seem so big and grate on me. Not only do they make me fume, but I can't seem to shake them. Sometimes I can get some perspective and reel myself back in. You know those conversations you have with yourself? Tell me I am not the only one that has those right? I can't even seem to bring myself to want to have those conversations.
I want to wallow in my irritation. I want to complain and hear the fist pumping "yeahs!" agreeing with me.
Maybe I just need a moment. Not a moment with that chocolate cake that is sitting on my counter. Even that is bugging me. It is so messy and every time someone moves it, it seems to make a horrible mess. Making it's way to the floor for people to walk on and smoosh into the carpet and wood floor. Ugh. I don't know what kind of a moment. I mean, I don't know what it would look like.
I know, this is all selfish. Prayin' Jesus doesn't come today, I would probably be irritated by His entrance.
My poor sister I think is hiding in her room. She came to live with us in December after surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm. She is on her road to recovery and in the grand scheme of things doing amazingly (truly by the grace of God). Usually her spilling is just apart of it all and I would rather her be trying and spilling than accepting her current abilities and not trying at all. But today, a bowl of pineapple (juices and all) are enough to send me over the hill. As I come walking into the sticky mess, I can't seem to hide my irritation. Really Lacy? It's just a sticky floor. Well, two sticky floors because it was the dinning room and some how a big wide river to the kitchen floor...that was then walked through. :) And for some reason it seems to be sticking to me!
My sweet precious angels. Oh how I love them. Why when the directions were stated, "Go up and get dressed and start straightening up your room."; did they hear, "Go upstairs and get all of mom's jewelery out and string it in different places in mom's room."?
For some reason today this small little instances (because let's face it, they really are small), seem so big and grate on me. Not only do they make me fume, but I can't seem to shake them. Sometimes I can get some perspective and reel myself back in. You know those conversations you have with yourself? Tell me I am not the only one that has those right? I can't even seem to bring myself to want to have those conversations.
I want to wallow in my irritation. I want to complain and hear the fist pumping "yeahs!" agreeing with me.
Maybe I just need a moment. Not a moment with that chocolate cake that is sitting on my counter. Even that is bugging me. It is so messy and every time someone moves it, it seems to make a horrible mess. Making it's way to the floor for people to walk on and smoosh into the carpet and wood floor. Ugh. I don't know what kind of a moment. I mean, I don't know what it would look like.
I know, this is all selfish. Prayin' Jesus doesn't come today, I would probably be irritated by His entrance.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Lessons From A Six Year Old
"Ugh, I'm too big for my clothes, I don't have anything to wear." It just came out. Being the mother of two little girls I am usually conscientious of saying any "fat", "ugly", self depreciating comments in front of them. I think I might have been digging through a pile of clean laundry in our living room talking to my husband in passing. I didn't really even notice my girls in the room.
My six year old says, "Stop it momma, you're perfect."
It stopped me in my tracts. My husband looking at me like, "Mmmmhhhhmmm." With his eyebrows raised and head lowered.
Here we are trying as parents to raise our little girls to be confident in themselves. In the perfect way that God has made them to be. We have even had them look into the mirror at themselves...in the eye, and say, "I love myself."
Don't get me wrong. Our goal is not for them to be full of self conceit or thinking of themselves as better than others. But rather to be sure of who they are. God has created each of us with such love and devotion. Counting the hairs on our head. How can I so easily discredit the great creator?
It's so easy for me to find my own faults. My flaws seem to even glow in the dark. No really, I can be in bed while all is quiet (my bouts of insomnia) and the weight and brightness of my imperfections are what keep me from slumber.
As I am starting my new adventure of living my life with more eucharisteo. Giving God thanks in even the very small and simple. There in my daughters words lye so much more. Maybe it is time for me to spend a little more time in front of that mirror...
Friday, March 11, 2011
2 Flaky Halibuts and 5 Loaves of Garlic Bread (the Costco kind)
Yum right? Light and flaky halibut with a little freshly ground black pepper and a squeeze of lemon. And who doesn't love that garlic bread from Costco? You know the kind over in the bakery and it has little cloves of roasted garlic actually in the bread. MMM, pop it in the oven, slather a little butter. I can eat a whole loaf by myself. No, really I can!
Well it probably was not so gourmet (can Costco be called gourmet)?
Jesus had just sent the apostles out to go village to village with nothing "not even a tunic" (no worries about being seen in the same outfit twice). To go and preach the good news and to heal the sick. After their travels they all met back up sharing with Jesus what they had done. Jesus then took them with him to Bethsaida, for a little R and R. But word got out and crowds started forming. Jesus being, well, Jesus; he welcomed them shared with them about the kingdom of God and healed them.
As the day went on and on the apostles told Jesus it was time to send the crowds away to go find food and a place to stay because where they were it would take people some time to go find both of those.
"He replied, “You give them something to eat.” They answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish–unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.” (About five thousand men were there.) But he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The disciples did so, and everybody sat down. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over." Luke 9:13-17.
5000 people (more than likely more than that when you add the women and children), two fish, and five loaves of bread (not the yummy Costco garlic kind). Not only was every one fed and satisfied, but they had leftovers! All from one basket of food about the size of a lunch.
Did you see something before all of that great miracle? Here, let me show you again..."Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them."
"...he gave thanks..."
The joy precedes the miracle. Before the people ate and were satisfied, he gave thanks. Before there were twelve baskets of leftovers, he gave thanks. The joy precedes the miracle. I think we often forget this part. I know I am still learning this...eucharisteo.
Now there is a way for you, (yes you) to give up your lunch of fish and bread and be apart of God's miracle.
"Feed the 5,000 is a movement to sponsor children around the world and grow our hearts. Inspired by the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with just one child’s lunch, newlife asked the question – could Jesus feed the world with our lunch?"
Check it out. See what God is urging you to do. And remember to give thanks...the joy precedes the miracle.
Well it probably was not so gourmet (can Costco be called gourmet)?
Jesus had just sent the apostles out to go village to village with nothing "not even a tunic" (no worries about being seen in the same outfit twice). To go and preach the good news and to heal the sick. After their travels they all met back up sharing with Jesus what they had done. Jesus then took them with him to Bethsaida, for a little R and R. But word got out and crowds started forming. Jesus being, well, Jesus; he welcomed them shared with them about the kingdom of God and healed them.
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Bethsaida is on the north east coast of the Sea of Galilee. |
"He replied, “You give them something to eat.” They answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish–unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.” (About five thousand men were there.) But he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The disciples did so, and everybody sat down. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over." Luke 9:13-17.
5000 people (more than likely more than that when you add the women and children), two fish, and five loaves of bread (not the yummy Costco garlic kind). Not only was every one fed and satisfied, but they had leftovers! All from one basket of food about the size of a lunch.
Did you see something before all of that great miracle? Here, let me show you again..."Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them."
"...he gave thanks..."
The joy precedes the miracle. Before the people ate and were satisfied, he gave thanks. Before there were twelve baskets of leftovers, he gave thanks. The joy precedes the miracle. I think we often forget this part. I know I am still learning this...eucharisteo.
Now there is a way for you, (yes you) to give up your lunch of fish and bread and be apart of God's miracle.
"Feed the 5,000 is a movement to sponsor children around the world and grow our hearts. Inspired by the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with just one child’s lunch, newlife asked the question – could Jesus feed the world with our lunch?"
Check it out. See what God is urging you to do. And remember to give thanks...the joy precedes the miracle.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What's on Your Chalkboard?
I made this a little bit ago and I love it. It's not just a chalkboard, but it is also magnetic! My poor girls thought it would be one for them to write and play on. I'm keeping this one. It's in my kitchen where I spend a lot of my time. It's so easy, I can make them one for each of their rooms.
Eventually I am going to add three hooks for our girly aprons. And like I said it is magnetic. I have some fancy old broaches and a few letters from scrabble that I am planning on making into magnets. Eh, work in progress is my lifestyle. I just like having a place that can bring me back to focus. A place when the world around me swirls in the hustle and the chaos, I have a reminder of what my focus should be.
So easy and inexpensive. I was at a local craft store and picked up the frame on clearance. Went over to Home Depot into the plumbing section and got a sheet of metal (very sharp metal). Grabbed some chalkboard paint and viola! Well there are better step-by-step instructions over here at Less than Perfect of Life of Bliss. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Here it is the first day of Lent. The next thing said would naturally be, "So what did you give up?" My husband is giving up ice cream. Trust me, that is like most of us giving up water for 40 days. Me? I still can't decide. (Doesn't that sound silly?)
Growing up we never really practiced Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. I do know that now that I have children of my own, I would like to emphasize it more. For this time that was a struggle for our savior is something I want my children to feel. But how? As ridiculous as that may sound. Is it supposed to be this difficult just in the decision process? Of course I have found some fun and meaningful ways for me to teach my girls what this season leading up to Easter is about (like so far my favorite is The Way of Light Wreath). It may sound kind of shallow to say, but I'm not sure what I could give up to sacrifice to draw closer to Him while preparing for the death and resurrection. I just don't know what could help me relate to Christs suffering in that way. And if I can't figure this out, then how am I supposed to teach two little ones!
So, rather than give something up to relate in the suffering, this year for Lent I am going to study Devotions for Lent (Holy Bible: Mosaic). Praying God will use this time to "prepare our hearts for a deeper appreciation of mercy, the need of the Cross, and miracle of Easter."
What are you doing for Lent?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Taste The Sweet Honey
"For forty long years, God's people daily eat manna-a substance whose name literally means, 'What is it?' Hungry, they choose to gather up that which is baffling. They fill on that which has no meaning. More than 14,600 days they take their daily nourishment from that which they don't comprehend. They find soul-filling in the inexplicable.
They eat the mystery.
They eat the mystery.
And the mystery, that which made no sense, is 'like wafers of honey' on their lips." (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts).
Like the beating of a drum I hear my feet hit the floor.
So loud and heavy.
My heart pounding like a rabbit's before its predator.
The sounds of my steps now echoing in my head, through my heart.
They eat the mystery.
So stark, yet welcoming.
So cold, but inviting.
My emotions run wild like a stormy night at sea. Crashing fear into serenity; worry and angst into peace. My mind races so fast Prefontaine couldn't catch it.
They eat the mystery.
My Husband.
My little girls.
Their future.
Our future.
My sister.
My burden on my family.
Not me. No, not me. Ok, maybe me. Oh, no...what if me?
I am alone. My babes with their hero, digging in dirt and climbing up ladders. My sister taken care of. I sit. I wait.
I am taken back. I enter a small changing room. A friendly face explains to me the process and I nod and smile. As the curtain closes I collapse. Like a recking ball to a skyscraper. Tears streaming I look into the mirror. "Taste the sweet honey." Peace comes crashing down like the powerful ocean onto the jagged rock. Letting it melt through my soul like butter on a burning stove. Slow and deliberate. Tasting the sweet honey of this mystery in my life, in this moment. The manna that God has given me. Letting go of the hows, the whys, the what ifs.
He whispers to me, "Taste the sweet honey."
I step into the room lights dimmed.
Now to wait.
Again, He whispers, "Taste the sweet honey."
Calm and still. Peace.
More thorough investigation needed. My mind racing again. Here comes the ocean crashing thunderously.
"Be nourished. Empty yourself so I can fill you. Taste the sweet honey."
A picture reel streams through my head as though watching a life unlived. All the while pushing and searching to grab ahold of what's firm. Breath held, hands cold, I lie.
No biopsy needed.
"Taste the sweet honey."
Each day, He gives anew to consume the manna He has provided. To allow it to not only fulfill me, but to nourish me. To taste the sweetness.
To taste the sweetness while living the mystery.
Do you taste the sweet honey yours?
They eat the mystery.
They eat the mystery.
And the mystery, that which made no sense, is 'like wafers of honey' on their lips." (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts).
Like the beating of a drum I hear my feet hit the floor.
So loud and heavy.
My heart pounding like a rabbit's before its predator.
The sounds of my steps now echoing in my head, through my heart.
They eat the mystery.
So stark, yet welcoming.
So cold, but inviting.
My emotions run wild like a stormy night at sea. Crashing fear into serenity; worry and angst into peace. My mind races so fast Prefontaine couldn't catch it.
They eat the mystery.
My Husband.
My little girls.
Their future.
Our future.
My sister.
My burden on my family.
Not me. No, not me. Ok, maybe me. Oh, no...what if me?
I am alone. My babes with their hero, digging in dirt and climbing up ladders. My sister taken care of. I sit. I wait.
I am taken back. I enter a small changing room. A friendly face explains to me the process and I nod and smile. As the curtain closes I collapse. Like a recking ball to a skyscraper. Tears streaming I look into the mirror. "Taste the sweet honey." Peace comes crashing down like the powerful ocean onto the jagged rock. Letting it melt through my soul like butter on a burning stove. Slow and deliberate. Tasting the sweet honey of this mystery in my life, in this moment. The manna that God has given me. Letting go of the hows, the whys, the what ifs.
He whispers to me, "Taste the sweet honey."
I step into the room lights dimmed.
Now to wait.
Again, He whispers, "Taste the sweet honey."
Calm and still. Peace.
More thorough investigation needed. My mind racing again. Here comes the ocean crashing thunderously.
"Be nourished. Empty yourself so I can fill you. Taste the sweet honey."
A picture reel streams through my head as though watching a life unlived. All the while pushing and searching to grab ahold of what's firm. Breath held, hands cold, I lie.
No biopsy needed.
"Taste the sweet honey."
Each day, He gives anew to consume the manna He has provided. To allow it to not only fulfill me, but to nourish me. To taste the sweetness.
To taste the sweetness while living the mystery.
Do you taste the sweet honey yours?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Project Simplify
Confession: I am a blog stalker.
Yes, I admit it. And I am ok with it. It's how I get great ideas and adapt them for me, my family, and our home. No reformation needed. I enjoy it!
One blog I like to check out is Simplemom she is the author of a new book called, Organized Simplicity. Her book came out in November. Oh me? Have I read it? Well, no not yet. I am still consuming One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. And yes, she is a blogger too! She writes over at A Holy Experience. Again, I repeat, I am a blog stalker.
Tsh over at Simplemom has a challenge for the month of March that I will be tackling with her and her grand following of bloggers and blog stalkers. DECLUTTER. She will be focusing on a certain "hot spot" each week, (come on...one spot for an entire week?...you can do it too:) ). Being a mom of two little ones, homeschooling, wife to a business owner, and most recently a full time caregiver for my sister it leaves little time for my own "hot spots".
This first week it looks like we will be conquering our closet. No it is not the place that our visitors see. But it is a place we must go DAILY.
How does this work? Visit Simplemom for all of the details. I will be posting before and after pictures the end of this week. Start your spring cleaning early and join in on the fun! You have "hot spots" too right?
Yes, I admit it. And I am ok with it. It's how I get great ideas and adapt them for me, my family, and our home. No reformation needed. I enjoy it!
One blog I like to check out is Simplemom she is the author of a new book called, Organized Simplicity. Her book came out in November. Oh me? Have I read it? Well, no not yet. I am still consuming One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. And yes, she is a blogger too! She writes over at A Holy Experience. Again, I repeat, I am a blog stalker.
Tsh over at Simplemom has a challenge for the month of March that I will be tackling with her and her grand following of bloggers and blog stalkers. DECLUTTER. She will be focusing on a certain "hot spot" each week, (come on...one spot for an entire week?...you can do it too:) ). Being a mom of two little ones, homeschooling, wife to a business owner, and most recently a full time caregiver for my sister it leaves little time for my own "hot spots".
This first week it looks like we will be conquering our closet. No it is not the place that our visitors see. But it is a place we must go DAILY.
How does this work? Visit Simplemom for all of the details. I will be posting before and after pictures the end of this week. Start your spring cleaning early and join in on the fun! You have "hot spots" too right?

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Chasing More Time
In an effort to chase down this addition of the unattainable I find myself tired and weary. Hustling and hurrying about as though the earth will stop on its axis. Hurry get up, hurry clean up breakfast, hurry let's do math, hurry it's time to go, hurry, hurry, hurry. As I rush about not only do I find myself high in angst, but I see the wake I have left behind.
In their faces, in their spirit.
I am chasing.
Is it possible that in my effort to be wonder woman, I have become the opposite? My great cakes, my clean house, my mowed lawn. Yes, I grew the blueberries, oh no I homeschool, I've ran marathons, I'm doing good, I can, I do, I am!
Don't look too close, it's there, in my shadows you'll see; my shoulders are slumping.
The weight to not be someone elses weight.
I look into those porcelain black eyes.
What an exhausting pursuit. What a weight I have not only placed but am pushing onto those delicate, fragile souls. I'm running...toward something, yet maybe, maybe, am I fleeing? Fleeing...what am I fleeing? Fleeing the pain, fleeing the imperfection.
"We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing." (Psalm 39:6)
What have I left in my wake? As the waves of my hurrying settle down and smooth out, what is left behind? Stones of regret, fields of shame, boulders of guilt, and four soft hands. Four pitter pattering feet in mommy's high heels. Two twirling princesses whose life filled spirits I crush with the rush for time.
"On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgement and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur." Evelyn Underhill.
I am disappointed in my life lived amateur.
Are you an amateur?
In their faces, in their spirit.
I am chasing.
Is it possible that in my effort to be wonder woman, I have become the opposite? My great cakes, my clean house, my mowed lawn. Yes, I grew the blueberries, oh no I homeschool, I've ran marathons, I'm doing good, I can, I do, I am!
Don't look too close, it's there, in my shadows you'll see; my shoulders are slumping.
The weight to not be someone elses weight.
I look into those porcelain black eyes.
What an exhausting pursuit. What a weight I have not only placed but am pushing onto those delicate, fragile souls. I'm running...toward something, yet maybe, maybe, am I fleeing? Fleeing...what am I fleeing? Fleeing the pain, fleeing the imperfection.
"We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing." (Psalm 39:6)
What have I left in my wake? As the waves of my hurrying settle down and smooth out, what is left behind? Stones of regret, fields of shame, boulders of guilt, and four soft hands. Four pitter pattering feet in mommy's high heels. Two twirling princesses whose life filled spirits I crush with the rush for time.
"On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgement and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur." Evelyn Underhill.
I am disappointed in my life lived amateur.
Are you an amateur?
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